The Genus Amanita in Great Britain 2nd ed.


The Genus Amanita in Great Britain 2nd ed. Author: Format: Paperback First Published: Published By: Geoffrey Kibby
ISBN: 8010000000360 Category:

Species of the genus Amanita include some of the most striking and beautiful members of our forest and downland mycota. Often large in size and with bright colours they have long fascinated mycologists and non-mycologists alike. That some species are delicious edibles while others produce deadly toxins only adds to their glamour.

The Genus Amanita in Great Britain 2nd ed. is the latest monograph in a series produced by Geoffrey Kibby, a well known mycologist and writer. Each volume is essentially a field guide with illustrations or photographs of many of the commoner species but some of the rarer or more obscure species that are rarely shown elsewhere. Other, more recently described species are scarcely known outside of the often obscure and difficult to obtain specialist literature.

The author presents here a broad view of the British species plus some extra-limital species that might be found here. Keys to all of these are provided in the hope that some of these not yet recorded species will be recognised and recorded from our shores.

Weight0.35 kg

