The Hardwood Cross-sections Book – Endgrain Macroscopic Images of the Most Common Timbers


The Hardwood Cross-sections Book – Endgrain Macroscopic Images of the Most Common Timbers Authors: , Format: Hardback First Published: Published By: Verlag Kessel
string(3) "120"
Pages: 120 Illustrations and other contents: 1212 color images Language: English ISBN: 9783945941645 Categories: , Tag:

Both macroscopic and microscopic wood identification rely on the ability to identify diagnostic traits and on the availability of reference material. A well-supplied and reliable wood collection is pivotal to compare the unknown wood with similar-looking species. Unfortunately, most people involved in wood identification do not have access to institutional wood collections, nor to the wood sample sources or space to own their personal xilarium.

Illustrating the endgrain view of the most commonly traded hardwood timbers, this book illustrates and allows us to compare 404 timber species by showing 1212 color images of their fine-sanded cross-sections. Each image represents a 6.35 x 6.35 mm cross-sectional area and approximately resembles the view of a wood cross-section as seen through a 10x hand lens. Alone or in combination with macroscopic identification keys and atlases, The Hardwood Cross-sections Book is a useful aid for students of wood anatomy, wood scientists, timber traders, museum curators, restorers, archaeologists, and professional and amateur wood collectors interested in identifying hardwood samples.

Weight0.95 kg





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