A variety of air pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere from human-caused and natural emissions sources throughout the United States and elsewhere. These contaminants impact sensitive natural resources in wilderness, including the national parks. The system of national parks in the United States is among our greatest assets. This book provides a compilation and synthesis of current scientific understanding regarding the causes and effects of these pollutants within national park lands. It describes pollutant emissions, deposition, and exposures; it identifies the critical (tipping point) loads of pollutant deposition at which adverse impacts are manifested.
"Dr Timothy Sullivan draws upon his long experience in the field of air pollution effects science and his thorough knowledge of research in the United States, Scandinavia, and throughout the world to provide an excellent review of the state of scientific understanding, including both the basic science and more advanced explanations. I highly recommend this book!" —Harald U. Sverdrup, University of Iceland "National Parks are treasured landscapes in the United States enjoyed by millions of people every year because they are protected, natural environments. However, while they are protected from local damage, they are under assault by external forces—the long range transport of air pollutants. The book, Air Pollution and Its Impacts on U.S. National Parks, does an excellent job of describing what these problems are and what has been and could be done to limit them." —James Galloway, University of Virginia, USA "The U.S. National Park system has often been described as our nation’s ‘crown jewels’. Stunning in their diversity, parks share the threat of being tarnished by an encroaching environmental issue – air pollution. Tim Sullivan does a masterful job of pulling together the rich literature on this topic into a single source. The book builds on a review of the scientific underpinnings of air pollution, including emissions, atmospheric transport, deposition, and environmental impacts, by presenting compelling case studies from parks across the country. Natural resources practitioners, students, and those in the general public who care about the fate of our National Parks will benefit from the insight from Tim Sullivan, who is an internationally recognized scientist." — Todd M. Scanlon, University of Virginia, USA
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