Chasing Wildflowers: An Adventurous Guide to Finding Minnesota’s Native Flowers in their Unique Habitats


Available for Pre-order. Due May 2025.
Chasing Wildflowers: An Adventurous Guide to Finding Minnesota’s Native Flowers in their Unique Habitats Author: Format: Hardback First Published: Published By: University of Minnesota Press
string(3) "304"
Pages: 304 Illustrations and other contents: 290 color images Language: English ISBN: 9781517918873 Categories: , , ,

An intrepid search for Minnesota’s wildflower treasures in out-of-the-way places Beyond Minnesota’s sunlit prairies and lush north woods, wonders of wildflowers bloom, gracing fens and forested swamps, sand dunes and the rocky North Shore, even ditches and abandoned mine dumps. Venturing farther afield than their first book Searching for Native Wildflowers, Phyllis Root and Kelly Povo set out to explore smaller, less-traveled habitats throughout the state and find these hidden gems of nature. Chasing Wildflowers brings us along on their pursuit of Minnesota’s native wildflowers. Featuring Povo’s gorgeous photographs and Root’s finely detailed descriptions of nearly two hundred species, Chasing Wildflowers is both a handy guidebook and an entertaining chronicle of the thrills and occasional mishaps of the friends’ searches, from wading rivers and climbing rocky outcrops to getting their boots stuck in deep muck while on the run from an approaching storm. Here, readers will find twenty-eight of the orchids growing in Minnesota, forty-three of the state’s rare species, and flowers with names like Allegheny monkey flower, hairy false goldenaster, naked miterwort, and spoon-leaf sundew—as well as plenty of inspiration to set off on their own adventures. Neither botanists nor biologists, Root and Povo are wildflower enthusiasts determined to learn about native wildflowers wherever they can be found, providing readers with all the information they might need to find and identify rare and intriguing species in unexpected places. Along with their tales of adventure and exploration are resources and practical tips for your own outings, a glossary, and suggestions for helping preserve native habitats and wildflowers. A uniquely useful and engrossing resource for gardeners, naturalists, artists, hikers, photographers, and beyond, Chasing Wildflowers is the ultimate guide for anyone curious to learn more about our beautiful and surprising natural world.

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Author Biography

Phyllis Root is author of more than fifty books, including Plant a Pocket of Prairie and One North Star, both published by the University of Minnesota Press and recipients of the John Burroughs Riverby Award for nature writing for children. Kelly Povo, a professional photographer for the past thirty years, has exhibited in galleries and art shows across the country. She and Phyllis collaborated on Searching for Minnesota’s Native Wildflowers, also published by the University of Minnesota Press.