Climate Management Issues: Economics, Sociology, and Politics


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Climate Management Issues: Economics, Sociology, and Politics Author: Format: Hardback First Published: Published By: Taylor & Francis Inc
string(3) "472"
Pages: 472 Language: English ISBN: 9781439861066 Category:

Despite all the controversy and hype that climate change has generated, there now exists an overwhelming body of scientific evidence that the problem is real and that its effects are already being felt on a global scale. Part of what makes this a volatile and controversial issue is that it is not just confined to the realms of the scientific community, nor does it have just one simple, predefined solution—it has multifaceted dimensions involving economic, sociological, political, psychological, and personal issues, making this a topic that affects every person on earth now and in the future. Connecting the dots, Climate Management Issues: Economics, Sociology, and Politics is the first book to propose a truly comprehensive solution to effectively deal with climate change in both the short and long term. It reaches across diverse sectors of society to link issues in climate change management and offer new insights into the complex interrelationships. As the author emphasizes, climate change extends far beyond the physical sciences to affect lifestyles, cultural values, political systems, economics, and health. An overview of the physical science of climate change gives readers a firm understanding of the concepts they need for policy and decision making, sociological applications, and community leadership. The book then focuses on multifaceted aspects such as international cooperation, journalistic balance, human psychology, international policy, national security, socioeconomic impacts, agricultural conservation, healthcare, the economics of mitigation, climate modeling, and error amplification. This timely volume puts on center stage those crucial ideas that are usually overlooked, misunderstood, or lost in media sensationalism. Enlightening and empowering readers, it looks at the decisions that must be made to mitigate climate change problems before irreversible damage is done.

Weight0.771 kg




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Author Biography

Julie Kerr Gines, PhD, has been an earth scientist for more than 34 years, promoting a healthier and better-managed environment. She has dealt with the hands-on applications of resource and climate change management, focusing on the delicate balance of the multifaceted issues involving the political, economic, and sociological components in both short- and long-term applications with real-world ramifications. Dr. Gines approaches the subject with a background uniquely blended with conservation and land-use management expertise with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, military applications with the U.S. Air Force, and university-based research. She has also had environmental experience serving in the professional community as the president of the Intermountain Chapter of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and spent years dedicated to the promotion of a healthier environment through participation with various environmental groups. A prolific author, she has published more than 23 books.