CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology


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CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology Author: Format: Hardback First Published: Published By: Taylor & Francis Inc
string(3) "728"
Pages: 728 Language: English ISBN: 9780849326738 Categories: , , , , ,

The CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names, a four volume set, is the most comprehensive work of its kind available today. The reader will find its coverage absorbing and useful. Umberto Quattrocchi, was awarded the prestigious Hanbury Botanical Garden Award for his studies on flowers and gardens.

Weight5 kg




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"This set will appeal to plant taxonomists and others interested in plant names, who will be fascinated with the history and minute detail." —CHOICE, October 2000 "…There is no question that this is the most significant publication in botanical nomenclature of its kind…It is a landmark in every sense of the word." —Brent Berlin, University of Georgia, Athens "Dr. Quattrocchi's dictionary will provide a much needed and very useful source of information on the names of plants. The multilingual nature of the dictionary is particularly useful for finding the scientific name when only a colloquial name is known. This will be an invaluable reference to botanists, gardeners, travelers, horticulturists and others. It is rather amazing that Dr. Quattrocchi was able to compile such a reference for the names of more than 22,500 genera and over 200,000 species of plants. The derivation of the names of genera, all in one place, provides a great service for anyone wanting to know more about the reasons behind a name." —David E. Boufford, Harvard University Herbaria "Who would dream of compiling a world dictionary of plant names? Umberto Quattrocchi has done the impossible. The descriptives 'highly accurate,' 'a standard source,' 'a critical reference,' 'unique,' give no hint of the breadth and depth of this dictionary. Undoubtedly it will be an invaluable tool for the specialist.." —Robert M. Laughlin, Smithsonian, National Museum of Natural History "Anybody interested in plants, or plant names, or the history of botany, will find the work a joy to dip into occasionally, or browse through for hours if the mood takes them. There is just so much information! The author's breadth of interests and his passion for his subject are apparent throughout, and the data are well marshalled with references to further reading in many places. For very many people who live in close contact with the plant world, either for their professional interests or for their relaxation and enjoyment, the work will be a source of information, fascination and delight for a long time." —Dick Brummitt, Royal Botanic Gardens, from the foreword "Umberto Quattrocchi is a modern polymath - a Renaissance man to whom everything is of interest and for whom everything has a purpose. The CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names cannot be bettered as a point of first reference for botanists, pharmacologists, linguists, bibliographers, researchers, and the merely curious. Seldom does a scientific reference book combine such usefulness with readability: its sheer scope will ensure that it becomes the standard dictionary of plant names." —Charles Quest-Ritson, Editor-in-Chief, The RHS Yearbook