The ultimate field guide to the birds of the Middle East, an indispensable companion for any traveller to the region The Middle East – the region stretching from Cyprus and the Levant to Iran, including Turkey and the Arabian Peninsula, plus Socotra – has a wonderfully broad and diverse avifauna, featuring a host of wintering and passage migrants, enigmatic breeders, and even a few endemics that occur nowhere else. This authoritative book covers more than 895 species recorded in the Middle East, including details of all regular visitors and breeding species, from the Purple Sunbird to the Northern Bald Ibis. Featuring 180 stunning colour plates by three of the world’s leading bird illustrators, this practical guide also includes concise species accounts describing key identification features, status, range, habitat and voice with fully updated distribution maps for each species. Written by three of the leading lights in regional ornithology and conservation, this fully revised and expanded guide is an essential reference for any birder living in or visiting the Middle East.
I find the layout of Helm field guides to be particularly good and this is no exception, with the species accounts, distribution maps and plates easy on the eye and not too crowded … If you're birding in this wonderful part of the world anytime soon – or have enjoyed previous trips to the Middle East – then I heartily recommend grabbing a copy. * Birdwatch * The illustrations are of the same high quality as in the second edition, and I was surprised to see just how many plates had either been repainted or expanded to take advantage of the latest advances in identification. The text remains concise but informative and has also been updated throughout. QR codes have been added and link directly to recordings of each species in – a neat addition … Birds of the Middle East remains the standard field reference to the wonderful birds of this magical region. * British Birds * The Middle East remains an exciting and beautiful region, where it will hopefully one day be possible for everyone to travel around overland and in complete freedom. The people and birds of the area deserve it. This book is an ideal travel companion. * Dutch Birding * The is certainly the best available field guide to the birds of the Middle East. The species accounts are concise yet detailed, and the maps and illustrations are excellent. It is relatively small, easily fitting into a small bag, and is easy to use. And there is always the option of buying the eBook if you are worried about weight. * Frank Lambert *
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