This set of books contains nearly 20 thousand photographs, presenting a significant proportion of the wild higher plants and important cultivated plants in China, numbering more than 10 thousand species. Each of the species is concisely introduced in both Chinese and English and includes Chinese name, Latin name, morphological features, flowering and fruiting season, habitat and distribution. Divided into nine volumes, this work includes 100 bryophyte families, 40 pteridophyte families, 11 gymnosperm families and 232 angiosperm families, 383 families altogether; the inclusion of all the said families is complete except for the bryophytes.
In order to present the diversity of China’s plants systematically, botanists from China have previously taken pain-taking efforts to compile a series of large-volume floras including Iconograophia Cormophytorum Sinicorum, Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae (Chinese version) by themselves, and Flora of China (English version) with the collaboration of international specialists. These books are well known both in China and abroad and have been used extensively for studying plants from China and adjacent areas. These works present the results of plants taxonomic study and study of plant resources in China at different periods, and constitute some of the most important large classic volumes in the field of plant taxonomy.
Higher Plants of China in Colour is a monumental work on plant taxonomy, comparable to these aforementioned series in it’s breadth. However, in all these earlier works the plants are only partly illustrated by black and white line drawings, and thus don’t present the texture and colour of flowers and leaves in their natural state, or reveal the spectacular beauty and fascination of the wealth of plant species described.
Volume I Bryophytes, 226 pages, 9787030470621
Volume II Pteridophytes-Gymnosperms, 444 pages, 9787030470638
Volume III Angiosperms Casuarinaceae-Hernandiaceae, 624 pages, 9787030470614
Volume IV Angiosperms Papaveracae-Dichapetalacae, 552 pages, 9787030470645
Volume V Angiosperms Euphorbiacae-Cornacae, 564 pages, 9787030470652
Volume VI Angiosperms Diapensiacae-Solanaceae, 568 pages, 9787030470669
Volume VII Angiosperms Scrophulariaceae-Compositae, 700 pages, 9787030470683
Volume VIII Angiosperms Typhaceae-Velloziaceae, 432 pages, 9787030470676
Volume IX Angiosperms Taccaceae-Orchidaceae, 376 pages, 9787030470690