Insects, plants and microclimate


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Insects, plants and microclimate Authors: , Format: Hardback First Published: Published By: Pelagic Publishing
string(2) "76"
Pages: 76 Illustrations and other contents: Illustrations, black and white; 4 Plates, color Language: English ISBN: 9781784275334 Categories: , , , , , , , , , ,

Microclimate is the very local climate close to the ground or another surface. The microclimate around a plant is particularly complex and interesting, and an insect sitting on a leaf may be inhabiting a weather system completely different from the weather outside. An understanding of the microclimate around plants enables us to interpret the behaviour pattern of insects as they change through the day. The instruments needed for exploring microclimate need not be expensive – this book explains how many of them can be made at home or at school using inexpensive components. The colour illustrations provide a guide to the main groups of insects, and identification keys are listed for each. 9781784275334 & 9781784275341 are digital reprints of 0855462795 (1991).

Weight0.136752 kg





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Author Biography

Sarah A Corbet has taught entomology and ecology in London University and the University of Cambridge. Her research interest is in pollination ecology, with a special focus on bumblebees.