Interactive Flora of the Burren, Ireland


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Interactive Flora of the Burren, Ireland Author: Format: CD First Published: Published By: ETI Bioinformatics
ISBN: 9789075000979 Categories: , ,

The interactive flora of the Burren provides photographs and detailed information on dicotyledon plants of the Burren, the Aran Islands and to the east of Connemara (regions 1-5 in the Flora of the Connemara and the Burren; Webb and Scannell, 1983). In total 550 species are included. The glossary provides explanations for the botanical terms used. The native status is recorded and conservation interest indicated. In total 2373 photographs and images aid recognition and show important characteristics of each species. For the majority of species, several images are provided. There is a general multi-access identification key which covers all species in the flora. Additional multi-access keys are provided for 12 genera of families which require special suites of characters for identification. A number of links to relevant websites and references for further reading are provided. This user-friendly authoritative CD-ROM is a valuable addition to the digital library of anybody interested in plants, wether amateur or professional, teacher or student, rambler or gardener.

Interactive CD


Weight0.3 kg

