Lichens of Ireland


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Lichens of Ireland Author: Format: Paperback First Published: Published By: Collins Press
string(3) "160"
Pages: 160 ISBN: 9781848891371 Categories: , , ,

This is the perfect introductory book to Ireland’s rich lichen flora. An essential field guide for anyone visiting Ireland, and a valuable addition to those covering northern Europe. Describes 258 of the more than 1100 species of lichen found in the country – a richer biodiversity of species than that of the flowering plants, mosses, liverworts or ferns of Ireland. Includes species in Atlantic woodlands (Killarney & Gengariff) and hazel woods, the Burren’s open limestone and Rocky seashores. All descriptions are semi scientific (accurate but using accessible language) with high quality photographs (all photographed in Ireland over the last 3 years) and up-to-date vice-county distribution maps. Also covers lichen anatomy and terms (essential for identification), lichen ecology with particular attention to substrates and the value of lichens in our habitats.

Weight0.35 kg



Author Biography

Paul Whelan, a graduate of both UCD and TCD, taught biology and mathematics before he turned to Computer Aided Design, publishing twelve books on the subject. In 2000 he returned to natural history and focused on Ireland's lichen 'flora'. Paul founded Nature's Calendar Ireland to gather phenology data and participated in the LichenIreland survey. He currently runs to collect Road Kill data and promote biodiversity awareness. He developed a website,, for Primary School children in 2010.