Native woodlands occupy an important place in both our countryside and cultural heritage. They continue to provide timber and wood but nowadays are often equally valued as habitats for wildlife and areas for recreation. The aim of this handbook is to provide advice that will help managers understand their woodland and improve their management. A wide variety of subjects are included, from use of grazing animals, identification of woodland communities and management for nature conservation, to uneven aged silviculture, vegetation management and management planning.
The background and principles of each topic are explained and case studies are used throughout. Interactions between inherent characteristics of the site and historic management are also considered in relation to future management options. The handbook also includes answers to questions that managers should be asking about their woodlands when different management styles are adopted depending on woodland ownership, location, objectives and characteristics.
Prelims; Introduction; Origins and characteristics and broadleaved woodland; Understanding the site; Understanding and influencing stand development; The ground flora and its management; Regeneration; Managing mammal damage; Managed grazing; Managing conservation interest; Creating new broadleaved woodland; Management planning; Silvicultural characteristics of trees and shrubs; Appendices; Species lists; General further reading; Index
ISBN: 9781839150067
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