Meet Us and Eat Us: Food plants from around the world


Meet Us and Eat Us: Food plants from around the world Authors: , Format: Hardback First Published: Published By: The Edge of the Woods
string(3) "256"
Pages: 256 Illustrations and other contents: 73 colour illustrations + map Language: English ISBN: 9781738557004 Categories: , , ,

Meet Us and Eat Us: Food plants from around the world is a book of poetry, prose, and fine art photography introducing a selection of 90 food plants. It explores them in the context of their family relationships, history of use, geographical origin, their role in culture and mythology, and the journeys they take to reach our plates.  The book gives food plants a voice and agency, to encourage readers and cooks across a wide age range to actively engage in and take responsibility for their everyday food choices. Meet Us and Eat Us aims to stimulate thought, discussion and appetite through imaginative, playful, and scientifically rigorous exploration. 

Weight1.1 kg





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Author Biography

Vilma Bharatan had a scientific education and is a classically trained artist, who for the past three decades has been working with people to improve their health through food choices and homeopathy. Liz Kendall studied literature and worked in an art gallery and an independent bookshop while establishing her career in Shiatsu, massage, and Tai Chi Qigong. She is a published poet with work in several anthologies and journals. Appreciating how their different academic backgrounds complement each other led them to work together to explore their shared interest in food and the natural world. Meet Us and Eat Us is the essence, an elixir, of years of research and thought, and of long discussions over many meals together.