Volume 3 is the first published volume of a monograph on the legume family in France. 4 volumes are proposed. Each volume will provides a comprehensive analysis of genera and species based on the latest molecular phylogeny. Includes high resolution colour scans of fresh plants with characteristic parts (leaves, stipules, calyx, corolla, fruit) to facilitate species identification. Species entries include includes name, description, etymology, synonymy, distribution map, status for each department, confusing lookalikes. and bibliography.
Future volumes: Volume 1: General – Caesalpinioideae – Mimosoideae – Papilionoideae: small tribes and tribe Loteae Volume 2: Papilionoideae: tribes Galegeae and Hedysareae Volume 4: Papilioinoideae: Fabeae tribes, and Cicereae Genisteae.
A4 hardback.
760 pages 1062 colour illustrations