New Flora of the British Isles



The current fourth (and final) edition was first published in January 2019; it was reprinted in August 2019, when a number of minor corrections were inserted. The second 2021 reprint also  incorporated corrections. A third reprint (2024) includes some further minor corrections. If further reprints are produced in future years no further corrections will be made.

Those already in possession of an earlier printing of this edition can download the corrections as pdfs here.



corrections 2021          corrections 2019

New Flora of the British Isles Author: Format: Flexibound First Published: Published By: C&M Floristics
string(4) "1300"
Pages: 1300 Illustrations and other contents: c. 125 pages drawings + c.50 pages B&W photos ISBN: 9781527226302 Categories: , , , , Tag:

New Flora of the British Isles, 4th edition

Since its first publication in 1991, New Flora of the British Isles has become established as the standard work on the identification of the wild flowering plants, ferns and conifers of the British Isles. It remains unique in many features, including its full coverage of all our wild plants in one volume, its user-friendly organisation, its line drawings and photographs of critical features, and its specially compiled keys and descriptions. All native, naturalised, crop and repeatedly occurring casual plants are included.

In the nine years since the appearance of the Third Edition, many new data and ideas relating to our wild flora have become available. More than 200 species and hybrids have been added to the text of this fourth edition and, in order to establish it as a truly twenty-first century Flora, alien species that have not been recorded in the British Isles since 1999 (about 90 taxa) are omitted from the main text.

The third edition (2010) was the first British Flora to incorporate the new molecular system of classification based primarily on DNA sequences, a scheme that is expected to endure for centuries to come at the family level. However, new discoveries from this research are continually being made, necessitating numerous further changes, particularly at the genus level, which have been incorporated in this fourth edition. Apart from this, innumerable adjustments have been made to the descriptions and keys, the distributions (especially of hybrids) have been updated, and the categories used to summarise native/alien status have been altered in line with modern thinking.

These revisions should ensure that the Fourth Edition will remain for many years to come the essential reference source for all taxonomists, ecologists, conservationists, landscape planners, plant hunters and biogeographers, whether they be researchers, teachers, students, professionals or amateurs.


Preface to Fourth Edition vii
Preface to First Edition ix
General Acknowledgements x
Introduction xi
Taxonomic Scope xi
Geographical Scope xii
Status and Distribution xiii
Classification xiii
Nomenclature xiv
Descriptions xv
Identification Keys xvi
Illustrations xvii
Conservation and Rarity xviii
Bibliography xxi
Synopsis Of Families xxiv
How to Use This Book (Black-edged) xxix
Signs and Abbreviations xxx

The Flora 1
Pteridophytes (Ferns & Fern-allies) 1
Lycophytes (Clubmosses & Quillworts) 5
Eusporangiate Ferns (Adder’s-tongues & Moonworts) 10
Calamophytes (Horsetails) 12
Leptosporangiate Ferns (True Ferns) 16
Gymnosperms (Conifers) (Black-edged) 43
Angiosperms (Flowering Plants) (Black-edged) 62
Pre-dicots (Primitive Angiosperms) 85
Eu-dicots (True Dicotyledons) 91
Monocots (Monocotyledons) 872

Glossary (Black-edged) 1123
Index 1141

Weight1.4 kg




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Author Biography

Clive Anthony Stace BSc, PhD, DSc graduated from the University of London in 1959 and gained his doctorate at the Natural History Museum London in 1963. For the next 41 years he carried out research and teaching in the Universities of Manchester and Leicester, where he is now Emeritus Professor of Plant Taxonomy.He gained his DSc in 1980 and his Professorship in 1985. President of the Botanical Society of the British Isles 1987-89 he was elected Honorary Fellow of the Linnean Society in 2004. A keen field botanist, this has been reflected in both his teaching and research interests. His research has centred around the taxonomy, biosystematics and cytogenetics of western European flowering plants. He has produced about 200 scientific papers and books. Titles of which he was author, co-author or principal editor, include: Hybridization and the Flora of the British Isles (1975), Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics (1980, 1989), New Flora of the British Isles (1991- onward), Interactive Flora of the British Isles (2004), Hybrid Flora of the British Isles (2015) and in the popular New Naturalist series, Alien Plants (2015).

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