First produced in 1997, the Red Data Book was a comprehensive account of the rare and scarce wildlife species found in the region. This was – and still is – the most comprehensive local red data book in Britain, and the first edition has proved to be an essential reference for all those interested in wildlife.
Produced by members of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Federation of Biological Recorders (CISFBR), in association with ERCCIS (the Environmental Records Centre for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly), and with support from Cornwall County Council, the new edition lists many additional species, including some new to Cornwall and some rare ones refound – species include local specialities such as Cornish Moneywort, Cornish Bladderseed, Cornish Sandhill Rustic and the Cornish Path Moss.
Specialist authors have contributed chapters on flowering plants, brophytes, lichens, fungi, various insect groups, reptiles, fish, mammals and other groups. Theer is also an extensive marine section.
large paperback
Includes references and index.