Restoration of Boreal and Temperate Forests


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Restoration of Boreal and Temperate Forests Editor: John A. Stanturf Format: Paperback / softback First Published: Published By: Taylor & Francis Ltd
string(3) "564"
Pages: 564 Language: English ISBN: 9780367868826 Categories: , , , , , , , ,

Humans have influenced the landscapes and forests throughout the temperate and boreal zones for millennia. Restoration of Boreal and Temperate Forests, Second Edition focuses on the negative impact of human activity, and explains the importance of forest restoration as a way to repair habitat, restore forest structure and function, and counteract the lasting effects of humanity. The book offers broad geographic coverage, as well as a combination of review and case study chapters providing social and policy contexts for restoration of specific forest types. This revised edition begins with a historical context for restoration, provides a conceptual framework for understanding the relationship between degradation and restoration, and defines terms within that framework. While building on the first edition, it presents the response of restorationists to the current challenges of interpreting scattered science on forest history, stand development, and natural processes. It combines applicable experience designed to improve present and future ecological and social sustainability. Describes restoration in the context of rapid social, economic, environmental, and climate change Looks toward the future, presenting several completely new topics in forest restoration Covers different starting points for restoration, from non-forest to degraded forest Restoration of Boreal and Temperate Forests, Second Edition aids in the understanding of the diverse cultural and ecological contexts for restoration of temperate and boreal forests, and the creation of a better foundation of documented knowledge to support future and existing restoration decisions.

Weight1.04 kg



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"This important text on forest restoration is very welcome. … I expect this book to become a key text in future for those looking for ways to restore forest cover whether this is to provide goods or to generate ecosystem services." —David Lamb, University of Queensland, Australia "… draws upon contributions from more than 65 science and management experts to detail the current state of restoration knowledge and practice for boreal and temperate forests around the world. … provides scientists, managers and students with the most up-to-date, comprehensive, and globally relevant compendium devoted to the science and application of forest restoration." —Emile S. Gardiner, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station "…builds upon the strong foundations for forest ecosystem restoration and sustainable management provided by the first edition and provides further authoritative illustrations of good practice and sound recommendations to help improve policy, investment and management." —Peter R. Burbridge, Professor Emeritus for Coastal Science and Management, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England "…provides a wide ranging breadth of information on restoration efforts being conducted in the boreal and temperate forests. This book is recommended for forest practitioners who want to obtain a broad understanding of forest restoration programs throughout this region of the world." —Steven C. Grossnickle, Restoration Ecology, April 2016

Author Biography

John A. Stanturf is a senior scientist at the Center for Forest Disturbance Science, Southern Research Station, US Forest Service in Athens, Georgia. He earned his BS in plant and soil science from Montana State University and his MS and Ph.D in forest soils from Cornell University. Dr. Stanturf was a Lady Davis Fellow at the Technion in Haifa, Israel, and was awarded with an honorary doctorate from the Estonian University of Life Sciences. Currently an adjunct professor of forestry at Auburn and Mississippi State Universities, Dr. Stanturf focuses his research on forest restoration, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and disturbance ecology.