Scanning and Sizing the Universe and Everything in It: Playing Scales


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Scanning and Sizing the Universe and Everything in It: Playing Scales Author: Format: Hardback First Published: Published By: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
string(3) "260"
Pages: 260 Language: English ISBN: 9781527592360 Category:

One of the faults in philosophy generally-even the philosophy of science-is ignoring the extended scale of the natural continuum and putting in its place something Anthropomorphic. This book suggests a means of keeping score that puts common situations, places, topography, and even home ground in the context of that continuum, the whole of atomic matter and its history. As shown here, the discrepancy between normal measurements and what actually exists is similar to that between ‘yardsticks’ and ‘light years’.

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Author Biography

Harold Toliver is a retired Professor of English, American, and Comparative Literature at the University of California and author of numerous books in literary history and theory. He has held various positions over the years, from Teaching Assistant to Professor at Johns Hopkins, the University of Washington, Ohio State University, and UCLA. His publications include The Past That Poets Make and Animate Illusions. After retiring, he has turned primarily to interdisciplinary matters that link the humanities to the sciences. That work has concentrated mainly on the extent of the natural continuum and the perspective it gives on various cultural myths and literary traditions.