Synopsis Fungorum volume 37: Poroid Fungi of Europe 3rd edition



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Synopsis Fungorum volume 37: Poroid Fungi of Europe 3rd edition Author: Format: Hardback First Published: Published By: FUNGIFLORA
string(3) "431"
Pages: 431 Illustrations and other contents: 255 col photos, 117 b&w line drawings ISBN: 8010000036055 Category: Tag:

This 3rd edition of Synopsis Fungorum volume 37: Poroid Fungi of Europe  is almost identical to the 2nd edition, except for corrections of printing errors and two new picture captions.

The second edition itself followed the style and format of the 1st edition. The overall quality of reproduction was however improved and there were 255 colour photos and 117 black and white drawings.

The generic concepts are conservative since the book primarily is meant to be a manual for naming specimens.

Several new genera to the European mycota were added in the 2nd edition, such as Amylosporus and Wolfiporia besides Favolaschia with F. calocera, a poroid “Mycena” which now is spreading rapidly in Europe.

The authors also added several new tables with spore drawings from genera like Antrodia, Antrodiella, Ceriporia, Junghuhnia, Oligoporus, and Skeletocutis, making it easier to determinate species in these genera. Some recently changed species concepts in genera like Antrodia were also incorporated. Generic names were added to the upper page corners, making finding specific genera quicker

English language text.

ISBN: 9788290724547

Weight2.2 kg

