This is a book for anyone who would like to do more with trees and woodland, for their conservation or for timber production, but who needs guidance on how to get started. It does not deal with large-scale forestry; instead, the author is concerned with new opportunities for farm woods and community woodlands.
The country’s smaller woodlands, neglected in recent decades, contribute greatly to the life and appearance of the countryside; they deserve more attention and can be a source of income. With the need to find alternative sources of energy becoming ever more urgent, the biofuel produced by trees is both environmentally friendly and cheaper than gas and oil.
In this beautifully illustrated book, the reader is reminded of the responsibility we all share in maintaining the great wooded landscapes that we have inherited. Take the opportunity to plant trees now, and 100 years hence someone may think well of you, even if they will not know your name; there are not many things we can do in this world to achieve that.