First captivated by the Burren in the early 1970s, Gordon D’Arcy has spent over 30 years living on its edge and exploring its remarkable natural heritage. Now he celebrates the region and its people with thought-provoking essays and attractive watercolours that convey a deep affection and intimacy.
“A worthy successor, on a more, particular canvas, to Praeger’s ‘The Way That I Went’.”
Irish Naturalists’ Journal
Gordon D’arcy is an environmental writer, artist and educator. The main focus of his work has been the limestone habitat of the Burren. Guiding Burren lovers and visitors alike, educating schoolchildren, and lecturing in the Burren College of Art, he has always kept his enthusiasm for this internationally important landscape. The author of several natural history books, he has illustrated Ireland’s Animals: Myths, Legends and Folklore (2010) and Ireland’s Birds: Myths, Legends and Folklore (2015) both by Niall MacCoitir.