Updated Field Guide for Visual Tree Assessment



The publisher currently has no plans to reprint. The content of the book is included in the author’s later publication The Body Language of Trees

This title is not currently available

Updated Field Guide for Visual Tree Assessment Author: Format: Paperback First Published: Published By: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH
string(3) "170"
Pages: 170 ISBN: 9783923704590 Category:

The Updated Field Guide for Visual Tree Assessment is a handy pocket sized field guide to learning the body language of trees and fungi whilst identifying the warning signals.  This is done in a more concise fashion but in the same inimitable style as other classic treatments on tree mechanics by Claus Mattheck, such as ‘The Body Language of Trees‘ and ‘Stupsi explains the tree‘.

For those interested in Mattheck’s current ideas about using simple tools rather than formulaic or computer aided methods, his recent book, Thinking Tools after Nature, is now also available .


Weight0.25 kg



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