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Showing 4796–4830 of 45366 results
Gertrude Jekyll
Gertrude Jekyll’s Lost Garden
Gertrude Jekyll: Her art restored at Upton Grey
Gertrude Jekyll: A Vision of Garden and Wood
Card leaflet
Gertrude Jekyll and the Country House Garden
Gardens of the Arts and Crafts Movement
Miss Jekyll: portrait of a great gardener
Gertrude Jekyll (Shire Lifelines 37)
A Gardener’s Testament
Home and Garden
Wood and Garden
Colour Schemes for the Flower Garden
Wall & Water Gardens
Flower decoration in the house
Colour in the Flower Garden
Wald und Garten
Wall and Water Gardens
Lost Gardens of Gertrude Jekyll
The Gardens of Gertrude Jekyll
Miss Gertrude Jekyll: 1943 to 1932, Gardener
Wisdom from the Hidden Life of Trees
In Stock
The Entomologists Useful Compendium: An introduction to the knowledge of British insects, comprising the means of obtaining and preserving them
Flore complete illustree en couleurs de France Suisse et Belgique (Comprenant la plupart des plantes Europe). La vegetation de la France, Suisse et Belgique, 2e partie. (Tome I a XII + Table Generale. Volumes 1-12 + index.)
Crassulacearum Icones Selectae (vols. 1, 3, 4 and 5 )
Unbound paperback
A Field Guide to the Fungi of Australia
Paperback / softback
Irish Topographical Botany
The New Practical Window Gardener: Being practical directions for the cultivation of flowering and foliage plants in windows and glazed cases and the arrangement of plants and flowers for the embellishment of the house
Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited During the Voyage of H.M.S. ‘Beagle’ Round the World. Under the Command of Capt. Fitz Roy R.N.
A Complete Guide to the English Lakes … to which are added an account of the Flowering Plants, Ferns, and Mosses of the District, and a Complete Directory